Package pyllar :: Module Plot3
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Source Code for Module pyllar.Plot3

  1  """ 3d plot class. 
  2  Use Plot3 to draw points and lines. 
  3  """ 
  6  from Plottable import Plottable 
  7  import vtk 
  8  from numpy import * 
  9  import re 
11 -class Plot3(Plottable):
13 - def __init__(self, data, style='b-'):
14 """ Create a new Plot3 object. 15 16 Plot3(data, style) 17 data is a Nx3 NumPy array that defines the 18 N points of the plot. 19 style is a string and can be any combination of color 20 symbols (r, g, b, y, m, c, k) and line styles (-, --, -). 21 """ 22 # create plottable defaults 23 self.pos = array([0,0,0]) 24 self.direction = array([1.0,0.0,0.0]) 25 26 # move data into a vtk.vtkDataArray 27 numRows = data.shape[0] 28 PlotData = vtk.vtkFloatArray() 29 PlotData.SetNumberOfComponents(3) 30 PlotData.SetNumberOfTuples(numRows) 31 32 # create a cell array to define the points 33 PointArray = vtk.vtkCellArray() 34 PointArray.InsertNextCell(numRows) 35 36 # create a cell array to define the line 37 LineArray = vtk.vtkCellArray() 38 LineArray.InsertNextCell(numRows) 39 40 # loop through rows and fill everything 41 for i in arange(numRows): 42 PlotData.SetTuple3(i, data[i,0], data[i,1], data[i,2]) 43 PointArray.InsertCellPoint(i) 44 LineArray.InsertCellPoint(i) 45 46 # set the data as points 47 Points = vtk.vtkPoints() 48 Points.SetNumberOfPoints(numRows) 49 Points.SetData(PlotData) 50 51 # create the polydata 52 vertData = vtk.vtkPolyData() 53 vertData.SetPoints(Points) 54 vertData.SetVerts(PointArray) 55 lineData = vtk.vtkPolyData() 56 lineData.SetPoints(Points) 57 lineData.SetLines(LineArray) 58 59 # create mapper 60 self.vertMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() 61 self.vertMapper.SetInput(vertData) 62 self.lineMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() 63 self.lineMapper.SetInput(lineData) 64 65 # create actor 66 self.vertActor = vtk.vtkActor() 67 self.vertActor.SetMapper(self.vertMapper) 68 self.lineActor = vtk.vtkActor() 69 self.lineActor.SetMapper(self.lineMapper) 70 71 # set line style 72 self.SetStyle(style) 73 74 # add to the axes 75 = vtk.vtkAssembly() 76 77 78 self.AddToAxes()
79 80 81 #def AddToAxes(self): 82 # """ Add this plottable to the current axes. 83 # """ 84 # self.axes = gca() 85 # 86 # self.axes.AddChild(self) 87 88 89
90 - def SetStyle(self, style):
91 """ Set the plot style (color and marker) from a style string. 92 """ 93 94 # find colors 95 if"b", style): 96 color = [0, 0, 1] 97 elif"g", style): 98 color = [0, 1, 0] 99 elif"r", style): 100 color = [1, 0, 0] 101 else: # default color 102 color = [0, 0, 1] 103 104 # find line style 105 if"--", style): 106 stipple = 0xFF00 107 elif"-", style): 108 stipple = 0xFFFF 109 else: # default line style 110 stipple = 0xFFFF 111 112 # set line style 113 prop = self.lineActor.GetProperty() # get the current properties 114 115 # set the color of the line 116 prop.SetColor(color) 117 118 119 # find point style 120 if'\.', style): 121 pointSize = 2 122 else: # default point size 123 pointSize = 0 124 125 # find line size 126 if'\-', style): 127 lineSize = 2 128 prop.SetRepresentationToWireframe() 129 else: # default point size 130 lineSize = 0 131 prop.SetRepresentationToPoints() 132 133 # set the thickness of the points and lines 134 prop.SetLineWidth(lineSize) 135 136 # set the culling so that the points can be seen from all angles 137 prop.FrontfaceCullingOff() 138 prop.BackfaceCullingOff() 139 140 # set the line pattern 141 prop.SetLineStipplePattern(stipple) 142 143 self.lineActor.SetProperty(prop) 144 145 # set point style 146 prop = self.vertActor.GetProperty() # get the current properties 147 148 # set the color of the line 149 prop.SetColor(color) 150 151 # set the thickness of the points and lines 152 prop.SetPointSize(pointSize) 153 if pointSize == 0: 154 prop.SetOpacity(0.0) 155 156 # set the culling so that the points can be seen from all angles 157 prop.SetRepresentationToPoints() 158 prop.FrontfaceCullingOff() 159 prop.BackfaceCullingOff() 160 161 self.vertActor.SetProperty(prop)
162 163 164 # set the line width
165 - def SetLineWidth(self, width):
166 prop = self.lineActor.GetProperty() # get the current properties 167 prop.SetLineWidth(width) # set the thickness of the line 168 self.lineActor.SetProperty(prop)
169 170 # set the marker size
171 - def SetMarkerSize(self, size):
172 prop = self.vertActor.GetProperty() # get the current properties 173 prop.SetPointSize(size) # set the thickness of the line 174 self.vertActor.SetProperty(prop)
175 176 177 ## End Plot3 class definition ## 178 179 180 ## Convenience Matlab-style functions ##
181 -def plot3(x,y,z,style='b-'):
182 """ Create a line plot. 183 184 plot3(x, y, z, style) 185 x, y, and z are Nx1 NumPy arrays that define the 186 N points of the plot. 187 style is a string and can be any combination of color 188 symbols (r, g, b, y, m, c, k) and line styles (-, --, -). 189 """ 190 191 if x.shape[0]==1: 192 x = x.T 193 194 if y.shape[0]==1: 195 y = y.T 196 197 if z.shape[0]==1: 198 y = z.T 199 200 data = c_[x, y, z] 201 202 return Plot3(data, style)